HIPPY Australia embraces diversity and is committed to the values of inclusivity, equity and respect as we work together towards the empowerment of families, no matter their make up, across Australia.
HIPPY Australia recently participated in Working Effectively with LGBTI People training run by Sharon Jones and Lou Carter, the Line Manager and Coordinator at HIPPY Kentish in Tasmania. Sharon is the CEO of the Kentish Regional Clinic, the HIPPY provider based in Sheffield.
Through the training, we reflected on how we work with gender and sexually diverse communities and how we can ensure safe and inclusive environments so that everyone feels rightfully welcome.
We would like to give special thanks to Sharon for sharing her own powerful story and bringing her knowledge and experience from decades of courageous activism and advocacy to the training.
We would highly recommend that you consider contacting Sharon and inquiring about what her training could offer you. You can contact Sharon through the Kentish Regional Clinic/CORES website: https://www.cores.org.au/contact