Community Action for Suicide Elimination (CASE)
A group of community-minded individuals from the country NSW town of Hay are striving to create mental health awareness. Their aim is to reduce the number of suicide deaths in the local area.
ANDREW PEARSON discovers the ‘mate helping mate’ mentality – synonymous with small, rural communities – is at the forefront of the newly-formed Community Action for Suicide Elimination (CASE) committee.
LIFE Communications
LIFE Communications is a National Suicide Prevention Strategy project managed by Crisis Support Services on behalf of the Department of Health and Ageing.
The project aims to improve access to suicide and self-harm prevention activities in Australia through the promotion of the LIFE resources and website; and improve communication between suicide prevention stakeholders in Australia.
Burdekin Mental Health Foundation
The primary role of the Burdekin Mental Health Foundation is about:
- raising community awareness
- education and information
- ensuring that local people who need mental health support can find the best and easiest path to getting the help they need
There is a range of clinical and therapeutic services which are already in place across the public and private health sectors of our community.